フィンランド演劇博物館で誕生日会 A birthday party at the Finnish Theatre Museum
先日ヘルシンキ市内にあるフィンランド演劇博物館 (Teatterimuseo)に行ってきました。博物館内の小さな劇場でお芝居をするという、ユニークな子供の誕生日イベントが目的です。長女とお友達合わせて15人、それぞれがアイディアを出してストーリーを考え、それにあったコスチュームを選び、プロの照明と音楽で保護者達に演劇を披露するという内容です。将来クリエイターになりたい長女、いい思い出ができたかな?
I recently visited the Finnish Theatre Museum (Teatterimuseo) in Helsinki. The visit was for a unique children's birthday event held in the museum's small theatre, where the children had the opportunity to perform a play. Along with my elder daughter, her sister, and their friends, a group of 15 in total, each contributed ideas to create a story. They selected costumes that matched their story and presented the play to the parents, complete with professional lighting and music. I hope this experience has provided my daughter, who aspires to become a creator in the future, with some wonderful memories.